Design District Helsinki renews itself through Aalto University cooperation

Design District Helsinki cooperates with the masters’ program International Design Business Management (IDBM) of Aalto University for the second year in a row. The cooperation accustomes the students with Helsinki’s broad design field and know-how, and at the same time strives for renewing the cluster with new ideas. IDBM is a multidisciplinary program that trains future design managers.

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Last year’s cooperation gave Design District Helsinki a large number of development, event and communications ideas, of which e.g. an information-sharing forum for the cluster’s members and a design treasure hunt for the city residents have already been realized. Photo 24.9.2015 18.04.13Photo 24.9.2015 16.33.21

This year’s cooperation continued with the involvement theme, introduced earlier this fall at the cluster’s Festival Seminar, and focus is now on developing ideas for interactive involvement with different stakeholders. The development project continues by testingĀ  chosen ideas already during the end of this year. For example, at Design District Market on November 22nd at the Vanha Ylioppilastalo, children and the childish will get to shape their own vision of design in addition to browsing the design selection on display. Also a broader implementation of these new ideas for Design District’s events like Late Night Shopping and Design District Market, are being examined for next year’s activities.

Photo 24.9.2015 18.05.20