LIKREARTO @ Kaapelin Joulu
–Find our latest creations, our precious moments, our handmade beauties at Kaapelin Joulu from 11.12. to 20.12.2015 at Kaapelitehdas – Merikaapelihalli, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki.
All pieces are 100% handmade by us and most of them are single pieces, as they are all handmade, they are more or less all single pieces, made with our own hands with lots of love. And every place we can share our creations is always like an exhibition, as we are presenting all our newest creations, our specials – our love – everything we have to give.
This years mantra is “An Ode To Finland” our home, our love and as you can see it in every piece, also on of our biggest inspirations.