Hanna Saarikoski / Mirrors for Princes, tm•gallery 15.5.2024 — 9.6.2024

Hanna Saarikoski
15.5.2024 — 9.6.2024

My work is not strictly thematic; rather, it combines subjects that revolve in the subconscious and how the painting intuitively chooses its elements. While working on this exhibition, themes such as Kikimora of the Swamps, Vasilisa the Wise, Christine de Pisan, and the decorations of the Vasa ship have been present, either beneath the surface or more directly. The present moment, clay bricks, the crumbling Tetris of dreams and utopias. Everything must be rebuilt again and again, in a new position, a new possibility; there is no other option.

Hanna Saarikoski (born 1978, Kannus, lives and works in Somero) graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Painting, in 2008. In her production, she combines painting, drawing, video art, installations, and performative elements. Saarikoski’s works have been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Finland, including Mänttä Art Festival 2012, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Kiasma, and Emma.

Thanks to Taike for supporting my work and the exhibition.



Erottajankatu 9 A 1
00130 Helsinki
Design District Illustration