KARHU – The Finnish Sportsbear. Footwear and apparel.

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Karhu Concept Store has been part of the legendary Lasipalatsi since 2014. Working as the flagship store for the legendary brand, it tries to emulate the core beliefs of Karhu. With a rich history spanning over a century, the designs and inspiration for the products and the store itself connects with, not only Karhu’s own history, but also the history of Finland and its capital, Helsinki, the birthplace of Karhu. Inspirations are taken from anything from the nature and landscape of Finland to its urban environments and athletic history.

Karhun Joulu kotiin läheltä. -kampanja

Sample sale, special offers as well as new products.

Design District Illustration

Karhu Concept Store

Legendaarisen suomalaisen urheilufirman Karhun myymälän tarjonta painottuu juoksukenkiin ja -vaatteisiin sekä Karhu Originals -vapaa-ajanmallistoon.